The fantastic Cubic Outdoor Kitchen Range...
In summer, the days get longer and we, too, enjoy our evenings outdoors for as long as possible. Feast with your loved ones on the terrace, laugh and toast to life with cool drinks. It’s even nicer if dinner can be prepared together outside. Our outdoor kitchens offer the comfort and luxury youneed for long evenings on the patio.
You only want to build an outdoor kitchen once, so why not choose the best? Premium Cubic kitchens are made in Germany by a business with over 50 years experience in manufacturing outdoor furniture. The kitchens are long-lasting and do not need a cover so all of your utensils will be stored safely & dry in weatherproof drawers, cupboards & storage spaces. They come with a 10 year, all weather warranty!
We will soon have one on display at our show site at Wilmslow Garden Centre SK9 2JN